Experimenting Again – With Food

Now that I’m beginning to recover from shoulder replacement surgery, Bruce is down for the count with a stress fracture in his foot, in a metatarsal bone.  It was misdiagnosed for the first three weeks as an infection, then (long story) correctly diagnosed as a stress fracture, after he had been walking on it for those three weeks.  So now he has a long recovery of four to six weeks with NO WEIGHT BEARING (emphasis added by his foot doctor), which will be a real trial.

I am trying to take care of him, but as he is in prison on the sofa in his man-cave with his foot elevated, there’s not much I can do other than cook him a decent meal every now and then.  He’s a carnivore so I should be focusing on meat, but today I was a little selfish and produced a Dill Roasted Plum Tomato Tart with a Pine Nut Crust.  It’s from one of my favorite new books, Amy Chaplin’s At Home in the Whole Food Kitchen – Celebrating the Art of Eating Well Continue reading Experimenting Again – With Food

The Infection That Wasn’t

The story of my “infection”.

Saturday morning three weeks ago I woke up and said to Dorsey, “I think I have broken my toe.”

As per standard “Real Man” operating procedure I ignored it that day. The next day, Sunday, it was red, warm and it hurt a lot so I went to the emergency room. They took X-rays and said, “it isn’t broken, it’s infected.” I was sent home, told to keep the foot elevated and prescribed oral antibiotics. Continue reading The Infection That Wasn’t

Boat Decisions – Color Palettes

As the construction start date for the new American Tug approaches,  we’re trying to stay ahead of the decision-making requirements so we don’t get caught by surprise and have to make uninformed decisions on the fly without thinking them through properly.

There are a lot of elements on the boat that we want to get right.  Some are mechanical, some structural, some practical, and some…comfort and aesthetic. Continue reading Boat Decisions – Color Palettes