Sophisticated Charleston to Rustic Edisto Beach

Our trips to Edisto Beach in our Airstream made us anxious to return – by boat! – and we wanted to say Hi! to our buddy George, the World’s Grumpiest Bartender.

Day 46, November 29

One of our favorite camping destinations in our little Airstream Bambi is Edisto Beach State Park.  We love the simplicity and natural beauty, the lovely long undeveloped stretch of protected beach, and Whaley’s Store – a self-described dive bar with great fresh seafood and — wait for it — the World’s Grumpiest Bartender.  When we realized that Edisto was just off the ICW we had to organize a stop there. Continue reading Sophisticated Charleston to Rustic Edisto Beach

From Lowcountry Muddy Waters to Sophisticated Charm and Grace

Our visit to Charleston was in fun contrast to our transit through the Carolina low country rivers of the ICW.

Days 43 – 45, November 26 – 28

We had been looking forward to our visit to Charleston for pretty much, well, forever.  Who doesn’t?  Characterized by laidback gracious hospitality and historic homes, Charleston is magnetic.  Arriving by boat made it just that much more à point. Continue reading From Lowcountry Muddy Waters to Sophisticated Charm and Grace

Flooding, Scenery and Shallows

The trip from flooded Georgetown to Isle of Palms, just outside of Charleston, was incredibly lovely but also challengingly shallow at times.

Day 42, November 25

Our visit to Georgetown was a quick one-nighter but we loved it and will probably return on the trip home.  Delightful spot.  We topped it off with a pleasant morning walk with the pups and coffee and cinnamon buns at the Coffee Break Cafe, then cast off to head out into the fog towards Isle of Palms. Continue reading Flooding, Scenery and Shallows

A Closehand and Painful Glimpse at Flooding – and Historic Georgetown, SC

The worst of the flooding was in Socastee, but it continued in Georgetown, where it dampened “Small Business Saturday”.

Day 41, November 24

Yesterday, from Southport to Myrtle Beach, there was astronomical coastal flooding but no rain.  Today more astronomical flooding was expected, but the forecasts were peppered with rain, tropical downpours with more than 3″, plus thunderstorms, hail and and even threats of waterspouts.  The worst of it was well away from us.  What’s a little rain, we thought?  So off we went.  Grand Dunes had been a convenient stop but otherwise there was no reason to stay. Continue reading A Closehand and Painful Glimpse at Flooding – and Historic Georgetown, SC

Let the Flooding Begin

King tides, rain and high winds bring flooding throughout the southeast.  We saw some of the worst of it, starting in Southport, NC.

Day 40, 11/23

We woke up on the day after Thanksgiving to a beautiful clear, crisp day, much like Thanksgiving Day had been.  The morning temperature was 38, so we were glad we were dockside where we could plug in to have heat (that pesky battle with our diesel hydronic heat, which would provide warmth without a shoreside connection, continues).  After our very pleasant Thanksgiving Day, we were ready to continue our trek southbound. Continue reading Let the Flooding Begin