Maine Cruise – Days 2-3 – Boston

Otherwise known as The Gale That Didn’t Happen.

Actually, it did blow out of the north and east pretty hard, especially on the Rhode Island south coast where Block Island saw sustained winds of 40 knots for much of the afternoon on Saturday.  Here in the Boston area it was gusting towards 30, and it appeared to be slightly less than that in Provincetown.  We probably would have been fine in Provincetown, but no matter: we had a great time in Boston and are very glad the weather pushed us this way. Continue reading Maine Cruise – Days 2-3 – Boston

Awesome Swag Bag!

Spencer Drake, our broker from East Coast Yacht Sales (the American Tug dealer for the East Coast and Great Lakes) had been trying to get down from Maine to Rhode Island for some time to see our boat.  When he finally was able to make the trip, we suddenly had to be out of town so we missed him.  It’s very sad to miss an opportunity to show off our new boat, but alas, it wasn’t to be.  We told Spencer to have a look without us.

Spencer had a surprise for us!

Continue reading Awesome Swag Bag!

Passing the Torch Senior-Citizen Style

We had a little celebration, although I’m not certain my parents think of it that way.

IMG_4117The day had finally arrived: their boat was sold, and the new owners, a lovely couple from Anacortes, Washington, had arrived to bring their new boat across the country to her new home.  It was the passing of a torch.  Mom and Dad and Tom and Ellie took the Willard trawler, formerly Vide Poches and now Raffamuggin, out for a ride together on a top–ten-gorgeous-day around Narragansett Bay and Newport Harbor. Continue reading Passing the Torch Senior-Citizen Style

First East Coast Cruise – Part 4 – Fourth of July in Block Island

After spending a pleasant day and evening in Stonington, we got under way early and headed for Block Island.  It was a gorgeous sunrise in Stonington Harbor: a quintessential start to a summer day, with glassy calm water and a beautiful moored fleet reflecting the early sun. Continue reading First East Coast Cruise – Part 4 – Fourth of July in Block Island